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Posts Tagged ‘metal brackets’

Leeds dentists effectively straighten teeth with Invisalign braces

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

For many years the only option available for straightening teeth was metal braces. Although extremely effective they are also pretty unsightly and have caused more than a few people a fair degree of social embarrassment as they have tried to hide all of the metal brackets and wires in their mouths. But there are other ways now to straighten your teeth without this pressure.
Invisalign braces are made from a clear material that eliminates the need for metal brackets and wires. They have been dubbed ‘the invisible brace’ or ‘see through braces’ by patients who have been pleased with them. But they are just an effective as traditional braces and are also constructed specially to fit the exact shape of your unique mouth. Modern technology allows construction to take place quickly too, usually without the need for moulds to be taken.
They are completely removable as long as you wear them for twenty two hours every day. You might want to take them out while you play a sport or are attending a business meeting. The fact that they are removable means that they are easy to clean and you needn’t worry about food getting trapped in amongst the metal braces and wires; a problem that can lead to bad breath in patients wearing traditional braces.
Instead of using metal wires to tighten your teeth, Invisalign braces are replaced when you need a new one to continue the process of adjustment. This means that the whole procedure is more comfortable. Ask your Leeds dentist if they are registered with Invisalign; if they are then you can have a free consultation and take the first step towards straightening your teeth out, efficiently and discreetly.

Leeds dentists offer stunning Invisalign see-through braces

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Traditional orthodontic practice has relied for many years on metal braces. These devices severely hampered many peoples’ confidence as they were nervous about smiling and speaking in case of displaying the unsightly metal brackets and wires which filled their mouths. Thankfully there is a new route to your perfect smile with a product that is all but invisible.

Harnessing the very latest in computer technology and 3D images, dentists are now able to offer braces that have come to be known as ‘see-through’ or ‘invisible braces’ given that they are virtually unnoticeable. The Invisalign system moves your teeth over time using a clear brace fabricated especially for your unique mouth. The end result is brilliantly straightened teeth and a perfectly natural-looking, stunning smile.

By wearing your Invisalign brace for 22 hours a day your teeth are gently adjusted. They are completely removable, allowing you greater ease with eating, drinking and tooth brushing and cleaning the Invisalign brace itself. Regular check-ups with your dentist will allow them to give you replacement Invisaligns when your teeth require them.

Without the metal brackets and wiring, Invisalign see-through braces are far more comfortable than their traditional counterparts. In traditional braces the process of tightening the elastic bands would often cause great discomfort to the wearer but Invisalign straightens teeth in a far more gentle fashion. Of course the fact that they are virtually invisible means that there is minimal disruption to one’s lifestyle as they can only be seen from very close-up.

Invisalign-certified dentists offer free consultations to see if this revolutionary technique is right for you. It can be used to correct most problems with crooked teeth, overbite, gaps between teeth and crowding so contact your Leeds dentist today to find out more.